Caitlyn Ball

Team Connector

Dreams: You’ll find me at home reading, cooking, loving on my cat, and gardening my herb garden. I will always work hard to be a “for the people” type of person! I want to serve. 

My Magic Powers: I am a big-time lover of learning. There are many times you will find me watching historical documentaries, learning about law/policy/archaeology, or researching the most recently solved (former) cold case. I stay curious, which benefits me, and you! 

How I am Human: Saying no” can be hard for me. I am finding balance in all areas of my life that are important to me and encourage others to do the same. Every day I get more honest and confident about my capacity to take on more (or less)!  

Oh Fine, My Experience: I have accomplished years of people-focused work. With 15 years of customer service as well as management, and degrees in psychology and organizational leadership, I am comfortable working with people and have mastered awesome communication. “If you take care of your team, they’ll take care of you!” This philosophy comes with me everywhere I go. 

What I Do for Zephyr: I am a Zephyr recruiter. My job is to assist you in finding your dream candidate. We will use my skills, Zephyr resources, and your preferred qualifications to find the best person to add value to your team. 

Why I Picked Zephyr: Zephyr and I share a mission! It is easy to do a job well when you’re passionate about people. This is what we offer, passion for people. Zephyrs recruiting techniques consider everyone’s needs, setting the tone that every person matters. 

Why Zephyr Chose Caitlyn: We chose to bring Caitlyn on our team for many reasons! She is passionate about our mission, she is driven by similar Core Values, and she used to work at Starbucks as a manager. We know that it takes a strong, dedicated, and very caring person to be a great manager at Starbucks, and those qualities align well with our own culture. And we must mention that her degrees in Psychology and Organizational Development will deeply benefit our clients and candidates alike.  

A huge bonus (and the thing that really sealed the deal), is that she had Erin laughing in their interview, which is an easy way to get her to say ”yes” to a new hire!