
Employer Commodities

Employees Are Not Commodities

What is a commodity? In the simplest terms, it is a good or raw material that is bought or sold or traded for something else that holds value. The commodity’s…

Women is hammering down the recruiting industry and all its foundations because it's all wrong.

The Recruiting Industry Is A Racket!

Yes, I meant to say that! I have seen first-hand how disconnected the recruiting industry is from the employers and job seekers it serves. In order to understand why I…

Solving Small Business Employers’ Biggest Complaint

You started your business because you knew you could do what you do better than other businesses in your profession. You want your employees to do the same. Yet, somehow, when you hire the people with the best skills and experience, they don’t always work out.

Luckily, there are some ways to help make hiring easier.

Are Bad Hires Costing You Money?

Are bad hires costing you money?

Bad hires can cost as much as 30% of their annual salary! There is a better way to build your team that will end up saving your time, money and headache in the long run:
the IDEAL FIT™ method.